
Time Wasted

"All the time and effort people devote to picking the right fund, the hot hand, the great manager, have in most cases led to no advantage"   

Peter Lynch

It's the percent that counts..

The Financial World makes a big deal of the market being up 250 points or down a similar amount daily. The question should be what was the percentage of increase or decrease. This is the number that really counts since depending on the Dow Jones S&P or NASDAQ levels it can be a big deal or not..

Daniel Kahneman's top advice: Don't churn accounts

Mr. Kahneman, an eminent Princeton University psychologist, Nobel laureate says advisors must recognize the cost and futility of betting against the market.

Sometimes it is Good to Under Perform the S&P 500

Many people are comparing their balanced portfolio to the S&P 500 for 2014.  Admittedly the S&P 500 was a top performer in comparison to the rest of the global market.  It is important to remember the S&P 500 is only one asset class - and in a Balanced portfolio it would only represent about 15% of the large cap stocks.  Prior to 2013 the S&P 500 had outperformed

Taxpayers see red over identity theft

Identity theft cases tend to peak during tax-filing season as thieves snatch taxpayers’ IDs to file fraudulent returns and claim refunds so now is a good time to talk about steps you should be taking to avoid having your IDs filched.

How soon we forget during times like these!!!

I wonder how many people will be fleeing the market during these periods of HIGH volitlaity trying to time the market or just a lack of understanding of market movements.

Reminder Nothing can just keep going UP UP UP, and from time adjustment will be made.

Dow Jones - Oct 16th 2009 up 6660.8 points for a gain of 67.52%

What Should I Do During This Period of Extreme Market Volatility



Are you emotionally prepare to manage your investment account ….most people are not!


How Much Income Do You Need To Retire?

Marlena Lee, PhD, explains that the answer should be customized based on each individual’s lifestyle and income prior to retirement. 

I highly recommend that you watch this video.


Can your adviser add 3% to your Portfolio? MAYBE!!!!!

 Is there  value added by a COACH/Adviser to your investment account.  Obviously it can take on a wide variety of issues, a personal relationship, a trusted adviser, and  others..but in this case I am referring to a potential increase in your investment portfolio performance return…

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